Breve Descripción de Tour
¡Prepárate para una experiencia única en Japón!
Disfruta de 13 días todo incluido, explorando templos antiguos, saboreando deliciosa gastronomía y maravillándote con la modernidad de sus ciudades.
¡Tu aventura asiática te espera!
- Traslados en servicio regular con asistencia de habla española, en algunos casos no son directos.
- 12 noches de alojamiento en los hoteles previstos o similares
- 12 desayunos, 6 almuerzos y 2 cenas (sin bebidas).
- Billetes de Trenes Bala y expreso en clase turista indicados en el itinerario.
- Guía acompañante/asistencias de habla española durante todo el recorrido.
- Visitas según programa en bus, minibús, coche privado, taxi en función del número de pasajeros.
- Entradas en los siguientes lugares: Torre de Tokio, Castillo de Matsumoto, teleférico en Okuhida, Casa Gassho Zukuri en Shirakawago,
- Residencia Familia Samurai Nomura y Jardín Kenroku-en en Kanazawa, Templo Eiheiji, y los Templos Kiyomizu, Kinkakuji, Sanjusangendo y
- Byodoin Hoodo en Kyoto,
- Impuestos necesarios, peaje de autopistas y aparcamientos.
- Seguro de viaje.
Tour Itinerary
Llegada al Aeropuerto Internacional de Narita/Haneda. Recepción por asistente de habla española y traslado al hotel en servicio regular con asistente. Llegada al hotel y resto del día libre. Alojamiento
Desayuno y visita de medio día de la ciudad donde conoceremos la Torre de Tokio y el Santuario de Meiji. Desde el autocar veremos la Plaza del Palacio Imperial y el Templo Asakusa Kannon con su arcada comercial de Nakamise. Almuerzo en restaurante local y después, regreso al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida hacia el Monte Fuji por carretera. Subida hacia la quinta estación situada a 2.305 metros sobre el nivel del mar donde podremos disfrutar del paisaje dando un paseo. Continuaremos con la visita a una bodega de sake para realizar una cata especial de la zona del Monte Fuji. Almuerzo en restaurante local y, después, salida hacia Matsumoto. Llegada al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Comenzaremos la visita conociendo el Castillo de Matsumoto, que es considerado un Tesoro Nacional de Japón. Salida hacia Kamikochi, zona de los Alpes Japoneses dentro del Parque Nacional Chubu Sangaku, donde realizaremos un pequeño paseo de aproximadamente 30 minutos para disfrutar de uno de los paisajes más bonitos de Japón y cruzar el famoso puente “Kappabashi”. Continuación a Okuhida, famoso por sus “onsen” (aguas termales) al aire libre rodeado del entorno de los Alpes Japoneses. Tiempo libre para disfrutar del onsen. Cena japonesa en el hotel. Alojamiento
Desayuno. Salida para tomar un teleférico desde donde podremos ver una bonita vista de los Alpes Japoneses. Después, salida hacia Takayama para conocer la calle comercial de Kami Sannomachi. Almuerzo en restaurante local. Salida hacia Shirakawago para conocer el pueblo declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, entrando en una de las casas tradicionales de “Gassho Zukuri”. Salida hacia Kanazawa. Llegada al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Visita de Kanazawa para conocer el Barrio Nagamachi donde visitaremos la antigua residencia de la familia samurái Nomura, el Jardín Kenroku-en, considerado uno de los tres jardines más bellos de Japón, y el Mercado Oumicho. Por la tarde continuaremos la visita del Barrio de Higashi Chayagai. Después de la visita, regreso al hotel. Alojamiento.
Sus maletas se trasladarán directamente al hotel de Kyoto y llegarán a Kyoto al día siguiente. Por favor preparen el equipaje de mano para 1 noche sin maletas en Kyoto
Desayuno. Nos trasladaremos en autocar a Eiheiji. Llegada a Eiheiji y comienzo de la visita para conocer el Templo Eiheiji, famoso por ser uno de los templos principales para la enseñanza del budismo zen. Almuerzo en restaurante local. Después, traslado a la estación de Fukui. Para salir en tren bala” Tsurugi” hasta Tsuruga y luego tren expreso de JR “Thunderbird” hasta Kyoto. Llegada a Kyoto y traslado al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Visita de medio día de la ciudad incluyendo el Templo Kiyomizu. Almuerzo en restaurante local. Continuación de la visita para conocer el Templo Kinkankuji (Pabellón Dorado) y el Templo Sanjusangendo, que alberga 1.001 estatuas de la diosa Kanon. Al termino de la visita, regreso al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Día libre para actividades personales o efectuar el “tour opcional a Hiroshima y Miyajima”. Alojamiento
Sus maletas se trasladarán directamente al hotel de Tokio y llegarán a Tokio al día siguiente. Por favor preparen el equipaje de mano para 1 noche sin maletas en Iga.Desayuno. Visita del Templo Byodoin Hoodo (patrimonio de humanidad de UNESCO) donde disfrutaremos una ceremonia de té. Tras la visita, traslado a Iga. Almuerzo en restaurante loca. Visita de Iga para conocer el Museo de Ninja Iga Ryu (actuación de Ninja incluida). A continuación, traslado al hotel. Cena y Alojamiento
Desayuno y salida hacia Ise para conocer el Santuario de Ise, el santuario Sintoísta más importante de Japón. Podremos ver la espectacular ceremonia Sintoísta de Kagura. Esta plegaria especial combina los dos elementos de la música interpretada por músicos de la corte y las danzas ejecutadas por las sirvientas del templo “Miko”. A su vez daremos un paseo por las calles comerciales” Okage-yokocho” que se encuentran alrededor del Santuario. Después de la visita, salida hacia Nagoya en tren expreso y luego en tren bala hacia Tokio. Llegada a Tokio y traslado al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Día libre para actividades personales o efectuar el “tour opcional a Nikko”. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. A la hora indicada, traslado al aeropuerto Internacional de Narita (o Haneda) en servicio regular con asistente de habla española. Fin de nuestros servicios.
Valor en acomodación triple
- Traslados en servicio regular con asistencia de habla española, en algunos casos no son directos.
- 12 noches de alojamiento en los hoteles previstos o similares
- 12 desayunos, 6 almuerzos y 2 cenas (sin bebidas).
- Billetes de Trenes Bala y expreso en clase turista indicados en el itinerario.
- Guía acompañante/asistencias de habla española durante todo el recorrido.
- Visitas según programa en bus, minibús, coche privado, taxi en función del número de pasajeros.
- Entradas en los siguientes lugares: Torre de Tokio, Castillo de Matsumoto, teleférico en Okuhida, Casa Gassho Zukuri en Shirakawago,
- • Residencia Familia Samurai Nomura y Jardín Kenroku-en en Kanazawa, Templo Eiheiji, y los Templos Kiyomizu, Kinkakuji, Sanjusangendo y
- Byodoin Hoodo en Kyoto,
- Impuestos necesarios, peaje de autopistas y aparcamientos.
- Seguro de viaje.
- Impuestos ecuatorianos
- Visados.
- Propinas a guías y chóferes (voluntarias).
- Bebidas en las comidas.
- En general, todo lo que no esté indicado en el apartado “el precio incluye”.
DSCTO. EN EFECTIVO | 4542 | 3781 | 3790 | 3592 | 3686 | FEBRERO 24 |
TARIFA REGULAR | 4884 | 4066 | 4066 | 3862 | 3963 | |
DSCTO. EN EFECTIVO | 4826 | 3972 | 3975 | 3790 | 3876 | MARZO 17 – ABRIL 14 |
TARIFA REGULAR | 5189 | 4271 | 4271 | 4067 | 4168 | |
DSCTO. EN EFECTIVO | 5129 | 4162 | 4165 | 3975 | 4066 | MAYO 12 |
TARIFA REGULAR | 5515 | 4475 | 4475 | 4271 | 4372 | |
DSCTO. EN EFECTIVO | 5302 | 4351 | 4355 | 4162 | 4257 | JUNIO 09-23 – JULIO 28 – AGOSTO 04-11 – SEPTIEMBRE 08-22 |
TARIFA REGULAR | 5701 | 4678 | 4678 | 4475 | 4577 | |
DSCTO. EN EFECTIVO | 5176 | 4226 | 4226 | 4036 | 4132 | OCTUBRE 06 |
TARIFA REGULAR | 5565 | 4544 | 4544 | 4339 | 4443 |
VISADOS: ES RESPONSABILIDAD del pasajero llevar su documentación en regla, pasaporte, visados.
Tomar nota que en los programas hay visitas opcionales que no están incluidas en el precio y deben ser compradas directo en destino.
Los pasajeros al finalizar las visitas panorámicas incluidas en el programa deben regresar por su cuenta al hotel.
Precios sujetos a disponibilidad y a cambio hasta el momento de realizar la reserva en firme.
El equipaje autorizado en el vuelo internacional y en el autocar es: 01 maleta de 23 Kg + 01 maleta de mano de 10 Kg (mochila).
Simply tell us which tour you would like to book, for which dates, and for how many passengers, and subject to availability we will be happy to book it for you.
Please also send us the following information for each passenger:
- Passport copies (picture page only)
- Dietary requirements (vegan, vegetarian, allergies etc)
- Are you celebrating something special? – Let us know!
- Medical conditions we should be aware of
- For the amazon, we need your shoe size for the boots.
- For Galapagos we need your size as well as your shoe size for the wetsuit and fins. Please ask your travel advisor to give you a table of sizes.
- Emergency contact.
- Hotel you will be staying the night before the tour to know where to reach you in case of any emergency (optional)
- Preferred payment option.
Your booking is completely confirmed with Fusion Travel Ecuador once you send a payment for your reservation. We act as a third-party agency and enter into a contract with the service provider (e.g. Galapagos cruise operator) on your behalf, with obligations to pay for those services.
Service providers charge penalty fees for cancellation of service – these fees apply to both Fusion Travel Ecuador and our clients. For this reason, tour cancellations are subject to the cancellation charges listed in our In cancellation cases, we represent our clients and try to recuperate funds paid to service providers, but this is not always possible. The final decision always lies with the service provider, and we are bound by that. For this reason, we strongly recommend the purchase of travel insurance that covers you fully in the event of trip cancellation.
We’ll send out all tickets, vouchers, and instructions electronically via email. When you travel you can either print out a physical copy to take with you or store the documents on a cellphone or tablet. Nothing could be easier!
Usually, we aim to send tickets out between 1 and 2 weeks prior to your tour departure, but this depends greatly on when we receive the vouchers from the yacht operating companies (Amazon lodges & tour companies or providers in general). If for any reason you need your tickets further in advance, please let us know so we can try to make the necessary preparations for you.
With last minute bookings, these times could change as well depending on when we receive your travel documents from the local operator.
Our office hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm Ecuadorian time, which is GMT -5. However, we understand that travel emergencies can occur at any time. Therefore, we provide a 24/7 emergency contact number that is listed on the Contact Us page of our website, as well as in your tour package, vouchers and your travel agent’s signature. You can call this emergency number if you experience any problems during your trip.
For non-emergency enquiries, such as travel or sales queries, please email us or submit an enquiry and we will respond as soon as possible during our normal office hours.
We strongly recommend that you discuss vaccination advice with your doctor in your country BEFORE travelling.
Decisions about vaccines and anti-malarial drugs are a personal choice, so it is best to consult a doctor directly to see which options are recommended for your trip. It will also depend on where you are going in Ecuador, Peru or Colombia. If you are travelling to the Amazon rainforest or coastal areas, these decisions are particularly important.
Fusion Travel Ecuador accepts the following payment methods:
- INTERNATIONAL BANK WIRE: Opt for the utmost convenience by utilizing your bank account for this transaction. Our bank is situated in Ecuador, but you have the flexibility to initiate the transfer from any corner of the world. A nominal $25 handling fee is applied per transfer to offset the costs associated with transferring funds to Ecuador for settling payments to local suppliers on your behalf. Typically, transfers take 2-5 working days to reflect in our account. We recommend consulting your personal bank for guidance on completing the necessary fields for a seamless transfer process.
- CREDIT CARD ONLINE PAYMENT – quick and easy online payments for Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Credit card processing fees do apply – Fees are divided into fees charged by the platform, and also Ecuadorian Government fees. Fusion Travel Ecuador no profit on these additional fees.
- ECUADOR BANK DEPOSIT OR TRANSFER – deposit cash or transfer locally into any branch of Banco Pichincha, or Produbanco. This may the best option if you are already in Ecuador.
Most importantly, all of our accounts are 100% SAFE & SECURE. All payments are made in the name our company (Tour Operadora Fusion Travel Cia. Ltda.). We will never ask you to risk paying into any account registered under a personal name.
Generally speaking, we require a 40% deposit at the time of booking to confirm your reservation. Full payment is then due 3 months before your date of travel. Of course, should you prefer to pay in full at the time of booking then that is also no problem.
Only in the case of bookings made less than 3 months before the date of travel do we immediately require full payment, unless otherwise stipulated.
Yes, it is generally safe to visit the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador, but it’s essential to take certain precautions and be well-prepared for the environment. Here are some important safety considerations:
- Wildlife encounters: While the Amazon Rainforest is teeming with diverse wildlife, including exotic animals like monkeys, birds, and snakes, it’s crucial to respect their habitats and observe from a safe distance. Avoid touching or feeding wild animals and follow the guidance of experienced guides during wildlife encounters.
- Health risks: The Amazon region may pose health risks such as mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever, as well as tropical illnesses like yellow fever. It’s essential to take appropriate precautions, such as using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and consulting with a healthcare professional about necessary vaccinations and medications before your trip.
- Navigation and guides: Navigating the Amazon Rainforest can be challenging due to its dense vegetation and complex terrain. It’s highly recommended to explore the rainforest with an experienced guide who is knowledgeable about the area and can ensure your safety during excursions.
- Environmental hazards: Be mindful of environmental hazards such as sudden changes in weather, river currents, and slippery terrain, especially during rainy seasons. Stay informed about local weather conditions and heed any warnings or advisories from your tour operators or guides.
- Cultural sensitivity: When visiting indigenous communities in the Amazon, respect their customs, traditions, and way of life. Seek permission before taking photographs, avoid disrupting local activities, and be open to learning about their culture and beliefs.
By taking these safety precautions and being prepared for the challenges of the rainforest environment, you can enjoy a safe and rewarding experience exploring the wonders of the Amazon Rainforest.
The Ecuadorian Highlands encompass a range of altitudes, with elevations varying depending on specific locations. Major cities and tourist destinations in the Ecuadorian Highlands include Quito, Cuenca, Otavalo, and Baños, each with its own altitude:
- Quito: The capital city of Ecuador, Quito, is situated at an altitude of approximately 2,850 meters (9,350 feet) above sea level. It is one of the highest capital cities in the world.
- Otavalo: Famous for its indigenous market, Otavalo is situated at an altitude of approximately 2,530 meters (8,300 feet) above sea level. It is located in the Imbabura province, north of Quito.
- Cotopaxi: Cotopaxi is the world’s highest active volcanoes and a prominent landmark in the Ecuadorian Andes. At an altitude of approximately 5,897 meters (19,347 feet) above sea level, Cotopaxi’s snow-capped summit is a sight to behold. Visitors can explore Cotopaxi National Park, hike to the refuge at the base of the volcano, or attempt to summit the peak with the guidance of experienced guides.
- Quilotoa: The Quilotoa crater lake, located in the Cotopaxi province, is a breathtaking natural wonder situated at an altitude of approximately 3,914 meters (12,841 feet) above sea level. Visitors can hike along the crater rim, kayak or take a mule ride down to the emerald-green lake below, offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding Andean landscape.
- Baños: Known for its hot springs and adventure activities, Baños is located at an altitude of about 1,820 meters (5,970 feet) above sea level. It is nestled in the Andean foothills, between the Amazon and Andes region.
- Chimborazo: Chimborazo is Ecuador’s highest peak and the tallest mountain in the world when measured from the center of the Earth due to its location along the equatorial bulge. Standing at an impressive altitude of 6,268 meters (20,564 feet) above sea level, Chimborazo is a popular destination for mountaineers and adventurers seeking a challenging ascent.
- Cuenca: Located in the southern part of Ecuador, Cuenca sits at an altitude of around 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) above sea level. It is renowned for its well-preserved colonial architecture and cultural heritage.
When traveling to the Ecuadorian Highlands, especially if you are coming from sea level or low-altitude areas, it’s important to acclimatize gradually to the higher elevations to avoid altitude sickness. Here are some recommendations:
- Take it Slow: Allow your body time to adjust to the altitude by taking it easy during your first few days in the highlands. Avoid strenuous physical activity until you feel acclimatized. As Quito is the entry point for most of the international flights, we recommend staying here a couple of days, and try to avoid strenuous activities at least the first day such as the Quito Cable Car or the Cotopaxi Volcano.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as the air at higher altitudes is drier and can lead to dehydration more quickly. Limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine, as they can contribute to dehydration.
- Eat Light: Stick to light, easily digestible meals during your first few days at high altitude. Avoid heavy or spicy foods that may exacerbate altitude sickness symptoms.
- Consider Medication: If you’re prone to altitude sickness or are concerned about experiencing symptoms, consider taking medication such as acetazolamide (Diamox) to prevent or alleviate altitude sickness. Consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medication.
- Coca Leaf Tea or Hot Beverages: Sipping on coca leaf tea, a traditional remedy in the Andes, can be effective in alleviating mild altitude sickness symptoms. Alternatively, consuming hot beverages is also considered beneficial, though it’s advisable to avoid those with milk as the fat content may have counterproductive effects.
By following these recommendations and allowing your body time to adjust to the altitude gradually, you can enjoy your trip to the Ecuadorian Highlands while minimizing the risk of altitude sickness. Don´t forget that each person adapts to it in a different way and some may need a bit longer of time to adjust, while others don´t.
While traveling in Ecuador, you’ll find various options for accessing WiFi or the internet to stay connected during your trip.
Many hotels, hostels, cafes, and restaurants in major cities and tourist areas offer complimentary WiFi for guests. Additionally, mobile data services are widely available throughout the country, with several local providers offering prepaid SIM cards and data plans for purchase. You can easily find SIM cards at convenience stores, kiosks, or official stores of mobile network operators like Claro, Movistar, and CNT. These SIM cards can be used in unlocked smartphones or portable WiFi devices (MiFi) to access the internet while on the go. However, it’s essential to check coverage maps and network availability, especially if you plan to explore more remote or rural areas where signal strength may vary. Overall, with the availability of WiFi hotspots and prepaid data options, staying connected and accessing the internet in Ecuador is convenient and straightforward for travelers.
Of course. In the majority of cases, we organise domestic flights for our clients; including travel to and from destinations such as the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon, mainland Ecuador, Peru and/or Colombia (in Peru and Colombia I would only mention the capitals where flights are common…). This practice is recommended as it allows us to optimise flight arrangements based on operational efficiency. It is important to note that for certain scenarios, such as Amazon Lodges and Galapagos Cruises, the airline ticket is often booked through the cruise operator to accommodate operational requirements.
Whilst we recognise the option for clients to book their flights independently, it is advisable to note that some operators may charge penalty fees for not using their booking services. We recommend that you consult with your travel agent before making any flight reservations to ensure compatibility with your itinerary. Your travel advisor will assist you in selecting the most suitable flight times for your trip.